Sunday 21 June 2009

Checking in again

Tomorrow is payday and I think a coffee shop outing maybe in order.

I'm really struggling to write in the house at the moment - I have no idea why, because it isn't writer's block. I have Lots of ideas and I start to write them down. Then I get dizzy and start dozing off, even though I've had plenty of sleep. Writing is making me dizzy? What's up with that?

This had better not happen in NaNoWriMo later this year.

Speaking of which I've decided that I'm going with an idea that I nearly went with last year this year. Unless of course I decide to go with something else at the last minute sometime around the 28th October.

I'm still looking for suggestions for good short story writing books. I'm looking at one that's recommended in the back of "Self-Editing for Fiction Writers" on the grounds that I really like that book, so book they recommend should be useful. However it seems to be out of print. Fortunately some sellers on Amazon have it. If anyone has any in-print suggestions for books on the craft of short story writing I'd be glad to receive them (please post a comment and include an Am UK link). In fact any writing books you'd like to recommend full stop would be welcome. I'm running out of books for my Wednesday writing book review spot.

Links to websites on short story writing that you've found useful also requested.

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